On the 21st of April, 2021, the Italian Council of Ministers published aDecreto “Riaperture” ("Reopening" Decree) covering 'Urgent measures for the gradual resumption of economic and social activities in compliance with the need to contain the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic.'

While curfews, mask-wearing, social-distancing, and the urge to regular hand-sanitization remain in place for the foreseeable future, below we cover details of the published timeline:

As of April 26:

  • travel between regions or autonomous provinces that are in yellow or white zones is permitted.
  • those with a 'green pass' (see below) can move from one region to another even if they are in red or orange zones.

    Visiting friends & family - from May 1 to June 15
  • in the yellow zone, four people in addition to those already living together in the destination house are allowed to move to a single inhabited private house once a day, between 5:00 am and 10:00 pm.
    People who move can bring with them minors over whom they exercise parental responsibility and people with disabilities or non-self-sufficient living together.
  • the same movement, with the same hourly limits and in the number of people, is allowed in the orange zone within the same municipality.
  • in red zones, travel to other private homes is not allowed.

  • for schools in red zones, in-person classes should be limited to 50-75% capacity.
  • in yellow and orange zones, in-person classes should be limited to 70-100%.

  • in the yellow and orange zones from April 26 to July 31, in-person classes may be fully resumed.
  • in red zones, it is recommended that the presence of first-year students is prioritized.

    Museums & Galleries
  • From April 26, in yellow zones, museums, galleries, and archaeological sites may reopen under strict visiting protocols. They will now be permitted to all open at weekends - with reservations required at least one day in advance.

    Bars & Restaurants
  • From April 26, in yellow zones, restaurants may open for lunch and dinner, provided they are outdoors.
  • From June 1, in the yellow zone, catering activities will also be allowed indoors, with consumption at the table, until 6:00 pm, or until a different time to be established by resolution of the Council of Ministers.
  • The opening of outdoor bars and restaurants for lunch and dinner in the yellow zone could lead to crowds. For this reason, it has been confirmed that food or drinks must only be consumed at a table - no standing consumption is allowed.

    Cinemas, theaters, concert halls, and live clubs
  • May reopen to the public from April 26 in yellow zones. They must ensure that seating is pre-assigned and one-meterdistancefrom each other.
    The maximum capacity allowed is 50% of the maximum authorized and in any case not more than 500 people indoors and 1000 people outdoors.
    In consideration of epidemiological trends and the characteristics of the individual sites, the presence of a greater number of spectators in the open air may be authorized.

    Competitive sporting events - From June 1
  • competitive sporting events recognized as being of pre-eminent national interest by order of CONI and the Paralympic Committee are open to the public in yellow zones.
    The capacity allowed is equal to 25% of the maximum authorized capacity and in any case no more than 1000 spectators for outdoor facilities and 500 for indoor facilities.
    For events of particular importance and taking into account the characteristics of the sites, it is possible to authorize the presence of a greater number of spectators.

    Outdoor sporting activity
  • From April 26, any outdoor sports activity, including contact sports, is allowed in yellow zones.

    Swimming pools - from May 15
  • From May 15, outdoor swimming pools reopen in yellow zones.

    Gymnasiums- from June 1
  • Gymnasiums may reopen from June 1 in yellow zones.

    Conferences - from July 1
  • From July 1, conferences and congresses are allowed in yellow zones.

    Spas, Theme Parks & Amusement Parks - from July 1
  • From July 1, spas, theme parks & amusement parks may reopen in yellow zones.

    Shopping Centers
  • In the yellow and orange zones, the shops are all open. In the red zone, only groceries, pharmacies, newsagents, tobacconists, and shops selling products deemed necessary are open.
    In the red zone, hairdressers, barbers, and beauty centers are closed.
  • From May 15, in the yellow zone, "the activities of the commercial establishments in the markets and shopping centers, shopping arcades, commercial parks and other similar structures on holidays and pre-holidays are open".
  • In the orange and red zone, the shopping centers are open from Monday to Friday.

Introduction of the 'Green Pass'

The new pass (green certification) for travel between regions will have three types:

  • Vaccination
  • recovery from Covid-19
  • molecular swab or rapid test with a negative result in the last 48 hours.

The vaccination and recovery certifications will be valid for six months, the one relating to the negative test will be valid for 48 hours.

Certifications issued in the Member States of the European Union are recognized as equivalent, as are those issued in a third country using a vaccination recognized in the European Union.

Note: It is not yet clear who will issue Green Passes or how they will be issued. We will update once we have official clarification.

You can find further information at