Film director Chiara Nano will screen her film “The Last Niche”, a short documentary on artist Giuseppe Ducrot’s 5-meter-tall Carrara marble statue of St. Annibale Maria of France, installed in the last available external niche of Saint Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican. The artist and the director will discuss issues on the making of the sculpture and on the production of the film, and answer questions.

“The Last Niche documents all phases in the creation of Giuseppe Ducrot’s marble statue. From beginning to end, the statue took 3 years to complete. This artwork is made possible thanks to the close artistic collaboration between the sculptor and his old master.” (Chiara Nano)


The passages among each stage in the execution of the statue – from the initial work in clay, to making the fiberglass mold, to working the block of marble until arriving at the finished statue and its installation at St. Peter’s – correspond visually to changes in the film format from low to high definition digital video, and from 4:3 to 16:9 screen aspect ratio. The sound follows the same pattern, going from mono, to stereo and 5.1.


THE SCULPTOR Giuseppe Ducrot
THE MASTER Vito Cipolla
THE ASSISTANT Giuseppe Laronga

Selected byCentroNazionaledelCorto,TorinoandItalianMinistryofForeignAffairsandInternationalCooperationfor the screening program“10cortiitalianiingiroperilMondo2017”(Ten short films around the world 2017).

Selected and screened at thePalmSpringsShortFilmFestivalMarket2016

Screened at theItalianInstituteofCultureinLondon2015

Screened atMacroTestaccio– Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome, from March to May2015.